Sailor Standard Ballpoint 18-0500 (formerly 18-0300) (F, M) Refill

  • Length: 95.3mm (3.75″)
  • Manufacturer’s website: Sailor Pens

The Sailor 18-0500 Standard Ballpoint refill is a proprietary size and shape refill that will fit some Sailor ballpoint pens. This refill will often fit any pen that will take a Sheaffer K Style refill. Sheaffer K Style refills will conversely fit some of these Sailor pens. Sailor also offers a discontinued metal body version of this refill. This refill is available in a fine line width in black, blue, or red ink and a medium point in black ink. Monteverde offers a substitute for the Sheaffer K style refill which may fit in some pens that take this refill.


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Additional information

Dimensions 95.3 mm